I had another crazy and long traveling adventure on my way to Paris-then Arcy-sur-Cure. It all started when I couldn't make reservations for my trains until the day of, for a few reasons but by that time, one of my trains no longer had tickets available. In a frantic panic, I searched long and hard for other routes and trains that would get me there around the same time. After 2 hours, I finally found connections to get me there, but it was going to take 5 trains and included a nearly 5hour layover in Munich from 10:30-3:17am. Munich was brutal. I wondered around for the first hour or so, sat down with a soda at BK for another hour and a half until they closed. Around 1am, I tried to take a rest but the only place to lay down were metal single seat benches (and it was getting quite chilly out, the metal chilled me to the bone). I eventually gave up after an hour. My next train, when we were about 10min out from my next transfer station, it stopped for an hour...I don't know how it was broken, the announcements on the train were all in German, but without a doubt, there was no hope for my train. We eventually went back to the station where we were previously and I got on a different train making my journey 6 trains long. The next train I caught to Paris was 3 hours later than my original time to depart so I got to Paris tired, a little frustrated and with half my day gone.
In Paris, I just walked around. I didn't have interest in seeing the various monuments, I had seen them before. So I walked..and walked. All the way from my hotel near the Bastille to La Defense. If you don't know how far that is, get a map of paris and enlighten yourself. Sitting at the end of the city looking on to the Arch de Triumph and the rest of Paris I couldn't help but see it as a prefect end to my ridiculous, but accomplished day. To see photos, go to my
travel galleryNow I'm in Arcy-sur-Cure helping out Rapha House ministry. They have a bed and breakfast type house for missionaries to get away and get refreshed. I'll be helping them out with some graphic design and video.