Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thoughts of the Netherlands [and when I move on]

I was a little unsure upon my arrival of my experience here in Leiden, Netherlands.  Was it going to be worth my time and money, would I learn anything.  Here's what I've gained.

You must always push yourself.  Determination to do this will make me a better artist [or just an artist at all].  My schooling here is quite open and I can do with it as much as I am willing.  This isn't so much different from what I've been learning at school so far, but being in an unfamiliar place where everything looks new/exciting and overwhelming it's easy to get distracted by all of it.  But here, I'm learning the ambition to create in a slightly different direction and it's helping me focus.  This, coincidentally, only makes it easier for me to move on from here with clearer vision to capture the people and places I'm going to visit.  I can't get this right all on my own, however.  It will take some talent, yes; but most importantly God given inspiration.  So, if you're in the habit of praying for others, I would ask that you pray for me to have Divine inspiration to capture the hope the missionaries and organizations already give on a daily basis.  If God gets the glory in the end [and all the way through] then I've done my job.
watch for picture to come in the future, I'll be in Romania in about two weeks.

If you're interested...

I've recently started using skype and have quickly fell in love with it [especially since I get to see my family now].  If you happen to use it too and want to chat with me for a few, please look me up. (I think I'm the only ashley huizenga on there)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

[updated] Netherlands Photo Gallery

I posted a few more photos online from the Netherlands.  Check them out here:

Monday, June 9, 2008


This is my itinerary thus far.  I still have about 2 weeks to fill.  Please if you know of any missionaries/christian organizations anywhere in Europe or happen to be one, please let me know if you can use my photography.  Send any information to ashleyhuizenga@gmail.com.

July 7-15 - Oradea, Romania
July 15-25 - Budapest, Hungary
July 26-31 - Vienna, Austria
Sometime August - France

Thursday, June 5, 2008

a tour of my room

I've made it

I have made it to Leiden, Netherlands.  It was quite an adventure though.  I landed in Cologne, Germany and had to take a series of trains to get to Leiden and I don't speak a word of German or Dutch yet.  But as God would have it, I've made it here successfully.
Leiden is a beautiful town! It is overrun by bicycles...probably in the hundreds of thousands in number of bikes here.  It is the preferred mode of transportation.
The program I'm in here for school is small.  I am one of seven but I think I can learn a lot.  We will be visiting The Haag tomorrow and a few other places in the Netherlands before we're done.  I'll have pictures to post as I go along.  I hope you are all well.  Send me an email if you get a chance, it's ashleyhuizenga@gmail.com
